6 Awesome Ways To Make Your Husband Feel Special On His Birthday

Your husband’s birthday is coming up soon, so it’s high time to think up some fun ways to celebrate. Nothing can make your husband feel more special than a well thought out surprise.

King for a day

If your husband wrote down his perfect day for you, what would be on that list? Hmm, think about that and spend the whole day anticipating his wants.  This will certainly blow his mind!  What is his favorite breakfast?  Is there something your partner loves to do? Or something he mentioned but has never tried? You should do as many of his favorite things as possible.

Compile a Video

This idea is a lot of fun. Have everyone send you a video message on their smartphone and compile them into a video. He will remain touched for sure.

Dedicate a song to him on the radio

An oldie but goodie he has never expected!  This idea will require some planning (and possibly an hour or more of calling over and over to your local radio station) but think about how happy you will make him when he hears his name over the airwaves.  Just make sure he’s listening to the radio when your song goes.

Letters of Love:

On his birthday, you can have all of his friends and loved ones write a letter to him expressing love, wishes and favorite memories they have had with him.  Some will be funny, other – serious, but in all cases, he will be truly thrilled.

Custom Birthday Song

This is my favorite. You will never go wrong with a custom birthday song – an old tradition with a new, surprising face. Nothing can be more touching and exciting than hearing your name in a custom birthday song sung just for you.

Day Away

One of fondest memories you can leave in your husband is if you surprise him and take him to his favorite place.  You need to plan it and make it work out with your husband’s boss ahead of time. On his birthday, you just have to show up at his work to get him.Once he is on the car, you can explain him where you are going.
Share your thoughts and suggestions in the comments below. We can include them in some of our next posts.

Custom Birthday mp3


Custom Birthday Songs


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